quarta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2007

- Are you meaning company

(companhia japonesa fundada em 1999)

Esse é um trabalho que faz parte da exposição de arte contemporânea que está no MASP agora. São várias plantas de um apartamento em tokyo pintadas com cores diferentes e para cada uma delas, tem uma historinha de duas pessoas (two getting along).

abaixo, os que eu não pude deixar de anotar:

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he likes fish
she likes a song about fish
his hobby is wind surfing

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recently, her feature is getting more mature
he seems a student forever

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they are good friends to each other
they are also good lovers

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they don't know very much about each other
however, they have been friends for a long time.

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they go shopping together sometimes
they also talk a lot

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she says she doesn't need a boyfriend
he would do anything for her

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he has a lot of love for people
she has a nice smile
they became lovers in their dreams

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she chooses his clothes
that's why he looks fresh and smart all the time

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he is the elite
she always does what she wants to do

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they have the same dream

Um comentário:

lufec disse...

amei! (e treinei inglês! rara)